By Sarah McInnes, Early Childhood Teacher. Let’s Learn how to make everyday play more engaging | Child Development Institute.


Many psychologists have written about the importance of rich learning experiences for young children. So when they can explore the world in a safe, supportive environment. And are motivated and interested in the experience, they will learn and develop.

As an Early Start Denver Model therapist, we place a lot of importance on repeating activities. Adapting actions and elaborating on them. This especially relates for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. As children can observe and imitate the adult playing with toys. And begin to play with toys in new and different schemes.

This makes play a wonderful learning opportunity for children where they can learn functional skills. 

Tactile and sensory social activities in early childhood are a great way for children to explore their world.

Examples of tactile experiences where children can use their senses to explore and understand include:

Because, sensory social activities that encourage social exchanges are great opportunities to develop lots of different skills, such as:

Help your child explore the world around them through fun and engaging play activities.

Read about: Finding your child’s Smile during play 

Written By: Nicola Hayes, Educator, Junior ESDM Therapist. Let learn about Finding your child’s Smile during play.

As a parent I’m sure one of your favourite things in the world is to see your child smile. At times this may be a challenge to be able to find this or you might only see it at certain times. I’m going to discuss some strategies that can help you find it more and hopefully make it easier for you to see during play.