The Child Development Institute (CDI) advocates for the rights of all children to be included and participate within every day, natural community settings and events (such as preschool, school, swimming lessons, local parks etc). The ESDM in Mainstream program was developed with the aim of supporting children within their early childhood education setting and prommoting inclusive practices for children with ASD. Our staff will visit your child’s centre to delivery therapy as well as offering guidance and strategies to their mainstream educators, enhancing inclusion and participation.
Your child will be supported to be included effectively into their mainstream environment through their individualised goals, guided practice and collaboration with their mainstream staff.
The following overarching mainstream support learning outcomes will be targeted :
The mainstream support program is a 10-11 week program offered in line with school terms, which includes the following:
1. Development of an individual program taking into consideration the priorities of the family and the challenges your child is experiencing in that setting.
2. Weekly 1 hour visits to your child’s mainstream service. During this time they will deliver ESDM therapy while modelling and providing guided practice with the mainstream educators to support and build their skills, enhancing your child’s inclusion within their programs.
3. Following each visit, your Therapist will document your child’s progress against their program and goals and provide this valuable information to the family and Centre
Educators from your child’s mainstream service may also visit the CDI to observe your child within their ESDM program, learning ESDM techniques and strategies through modelling.
CDI also offer consultations and coaching programs for any mainstream childcare or preschool that are experiencing specific challenges.
We run regular Educator workshops at our Western Sydney and Northern Sydney centres on the following topics:
Copyright Child Development Institute 2022