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Early Intervention Blog

What is Generalisation? How can you help your child achieve it? Generalisation within the context of the Early Start Denver Model refers to a child’s
As a parent you may have observed your child having a big reaction to what might seem like something small. They may have been offered
Autism language development
Onomatopoeia is a very big word, but it’s meaning is quite simple. It is a word that evokes the sound of the thing it refers
Child with Autism Transition
Transitioning from one activity or space to another is often challenging for young children. But for a chid with Autism it is even harder. Melt
Differences between ABA and ESDM
We are often asked how the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) differs from Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA). Here are some short points on some of
IRP group time Teaching Imitation through Song
Music is intrinsically motivating. It is a naturally rewarding experience – it’s fun, its predictable, and it’s rhythmic! Action songs in particular, are a powerful